Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Slimming World Photo Shoot

I had my photo shoot today. I wasn't too thrilled about traveling there and back (up at 5am, at the post office by 6am to pick up my tickets, then on to the train to London, then on the Underground twice, then on an overground train again and then in a taxi and that was just to get to the shoot. I had to do it all again to come home.) But everyone at the shoot was really nice.

The first person I met was Jan Lynegar, the Slimming World editorial assistant. She is a beautiful and tall blonde who looked like she should be strolling on a beach in California rather than standing in a small English house on a cloudy day. She was really nice and easy to talk with.


I was a little unfair on Jan in taking a photo of her while we were all eating, so the photo doesn't really do her justice. In fact, none of the photos I took today are very good, but I was trying to be as unobtrusive as possible, so I wasn't really setting up my shots.

Next, I met Vicky Burdon, the Slimming World art editor. She was really sweet. She's a petite blonde who looks like she would fit right in with the Dallas Cowgirl Cheerleading squad. (She helped me find the right Underground trains to take on my way home, even going part of the way with me.) I'm not surprised that she and Jan were so sweet though as everyone I have ever met from Slimming World headquarters have been really great.

Fay and Vicky

This is Fay and Vicky. Again, I snapped the shot fo them while they were talking. If anyone I photographed today wants to send me a nicer photo of themselves for me to substitute for these shots, I will be happy to do so.)

I met a woman named Fay who was being photographed before me. She was great and appeared to be enjoying the photo shoot. They took some shots of her outside just before it started raining.

I got to have my make-up done twice (because it needed to match the color of my outfits). Liz Kitchiner, who did my make-up and hair, really knew what she was doing, because I hardly recognized myself by the time she was done. My hair was given two different styles. Liz even added some hair attachments underneath because my hair is a little on the thin side and she wanted to thicken it up. I got to wear it down with loose curls and also in a loose, low-lying ponytail to the side (also with loose curls).


This is Liz in front of the table covered in her equipment. Her hand is on the hairspray that she used. Every time she used it on me, she apologized for spraying "poinson" at me (because of the fumes).

Rachel Fanconi was the stylist who helped pick out the outfits, jewelery and shoes for me. She was really nice and had a great eye for what would look good. I also got to wear four separate outfits (all dresses with shrugs/jackets, complete with matching earrings, rings and high-heeled shoes). I got to wear a white dress with a purple flowers print. I got to wear a pale blue and soft brown patterned dress that was soft and feminine. I got to wear a dress with a sort-of golden brown color to it. It wasn't a dress I would have normally picked out for myself but I had to admit that it looked good on me. It had an unusual neckline. I also got to wear a white dress with green and black print on it with a matching green jacket.


This is Rachel amongst the clothes and going through some bags of jewelery.

We were all provided with sandwiches, fruit and diet coke/coffee/tea. The sandwiches were not Slimming World-friendly, but at least we had something for lunch. The fruit was really nice. There was a lot of sliced apple, some pineapples slices, strawberries, green grapes and more.

I didn't have to wear nylons because they rubbed a lotion all over my legs which turned them tan (temporarily). (I have some SERIOUSLY pale legs naturally!) It was fun to see the photos on the computer screen after they were taken and see how tan my legs looked compared to their natural look.

The photographer Paul Buller had a Canon and lots of equipment. Despite having to work with some not-so-great lighting conditions, he took some great photos. He gave me some instructions for my poses, and would have to pause in his shooting when either Liz would dash in front of me to fix my hair or make-up from time to time or Rachel would dash in front to straighten or adjust my clothes.

This is Paul, a top London photographer, but Paul didn't work alone. His assistant is pictured below.

Slimming World Photo Shoot

It was a long day though. I got to the shoot at about 9:00am (I was early), and we weren't done until 5:00pm. I didn't get home until around 7:30pm. I left my overly glamorous make-up on for the trip home so that my kids could see it. I knew the girls would love to see their mom all made up. robert took a quick photo of me when I got home. (My hair was a mess by then though.)

Glam Becky

I looked a bit tired, the make-up was starting to wear off and the lighting was not ideal for the photo, but here I am.

All in all, it was a fun experience and kind of nice to get pampered. I will be sent a copy of the magazine when it goes out and also I will get copies of the photos. I have to admit that I am a little excited about geting to see the results!

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Our Moment On TV

Daybreak 10th March 2011


Robert, Cameron and I were on Daybreak this morning on ITV. If you are in the UK and missed it, you can view it here.

We arrived by train last night and we stayed at the Mint Hotel in Westminster. It had some beautiful views. We were treated to a meal in the restaurant and it was very enjoyable.

Our morning today started with an early wake up call. I'm glad we arranged for an early wake up call, because, although we were told we would be on at 8:30am and would be picked up from the hotel at 7:50am, we got a phone call at 6:45am telling us that our ride was already waiting. Apparently, there was a mix-up and we were supposed to be on at 7:15am instead.

We threw our clothes on and got Cameron dressed. And then we were on our way.

I realized when we got there that wearing a purple dress wasn't the best plan of mine, since the couches were also purple. We got our microphones put on and then I was informed that we were not supposed to mention Slimming World at all. And right after that, I was introduced and asked the question, "So how did you do it?" I tried to make it clear that I went to Slimming World without actually saying the word. I put emphasis on the word "Slimming" and spoke the word "club" very softly. And I mentioned that it was one that allowed me to join while pregnant (with doctor and midwife approval). I don't think there are any other weight loss clubs that allow pregnant women to join. I might be wrong though.

We were asked to stay on until the end, so we spent the rest of the time following Cameron as he ran up and down the halls and waved hello at people. At one point, he ran up behind the weather girl, Lucy Verasamy, who had just entered the hallway and he reached up with both hands and startled her by patting her bum a few times. (I apologized for him, the cheeky little monkey!)

While in the "green room" (where the guests wait to go on), Channing Tatum joined us for a little bit. I must admit, I wasn't sure who he was, but then Robert looked his name up on-line using his phone and we both realized that we had seen "Dear John" which he starred in.

We were brought back out to the couch at the end where everyone sat together.

Then we were taken back to the hotel, packed up our things and took the train home again.

When we got home, we watched the recording of the show. I immediately decided that I wore the wrong dress for it as it made my stomach look big and squishy (to my mind). And then I started critiquing other things about myself (my overbite, etc). Then I realized what I was doing and had to put a stop to it. Seriously, after all of the weight I have lost and all of the times I have worked on being confident and not letting that negative self-talk undermine me, I quickly had reverted back to it once I realized lots of others would see me on the tv. Old habits really do die hard, and it is something I will probably always be having to work through.

Still, it was a lovely day and a fun experience. I wish they'd asked Robert a few questions too though, as he has lost a lot of weight too.

Monday, 7 March 2011

I'm Going On Daybreak!

If you are in the UK, you may have watched ITV's morning show, from 6:00am until 9:00am, called Daybreak. Robert and I, along with our two year old Cameron, will be on the couch on the Daybreak show this Thursday morning to talk with the show's hosts!

I have no way to record the show, which is disappointing, but I'm still excited about appearing on it!

We'll be talking about our weight loss. I'm a bit nervous about how Cameron will behave. At two years old, he could act like a complete angel or he could choose to behave as a complete little devil. We'll have to wait and see.

If you have the time on Thursday morning, tune in to Daybreak and you'll see us there!

I'm In This Week's Take A Break Magazine

Take A Break ArticleTake A Break Article1

I am featured on page 28 of this week's Take A Break magazine (10th March 2011, Issue 10)!

They got some of the details wrong though. For instance, it says that I had Connor by cesarean, but I have never had a c-section, though I was threatened with having one. It also states that Robert and I met in a chat room, and that I had gone on-line out of loneliness, which is all incorrect, although Robert and I did meet on-line. The general gist if the story is correct though, and I believe they tried to get the details right.

The thing that annoys me about the article though is that they name the street we live on. The article talks about my kids and large family. It even names my kids. It shows a picture of my whole family, kids included. And then, as irresponsible as it is, it mentions MY STREET ADDRESS! And the thing is, my street address was not even germaine to the story!

I am not overly worried about it though as we are moving within the month, but if we weren't I would have been fuming.

Either way, it's fun being featured, so if you are in the UK, go have a look at this week's Take A Break.