Friday, 28 November 2014

The Lose a Stone by Christmas Facebook Event update

Some of you might already be aware of this fact, but those of you who haven't followed Skinny Dreaming's Facebook page might not have any idea that I started a Facebook event back on October 30th called "Lose a Stone by Christmas."

A stone, for those of you not in the UK, is equal to 14 pounds. From October 30th through December 25th, that gave us exactly 8 weeks to lose 14 pounds.

On the event page, I post frequent tips, exercise suggestions, some healthy recipes, motivational posts and weekly weight loss updates to try and keep everyone motivated. It's been a lot of fun. Thirty people joined in and many of them are active on the event page.

The first week was great for me. I lost 5.4 lbs. Unfortunately, in week two, I stayed the same, in week three, I only lost 0.4 lbs, and this last week only saw another pound off, so my total weight loss so far is 6lbs 8oz. It's slightly less than I wanted to lose by this time, but it's still not impossible for me to reach a stone lost by Christmas. I only have 7lbs and 2 oz left to lose to reach my goal for Christmas, and I still have three weeks and six days left.

My eating was not perfect yesterday. It is possible to eat healthy on Thanksgiving Day, but, unfortunately, I did not. There are six days left of this week though, so, hopefully, I can turn my week around and make up for my one bad day yesterday.

Many of the other participants are being really successful with their goals during this challenge. There is only a little under half the challenge left to go, but why not join us if you haven't already? I'd love to see you there!