Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Skinny Dreaming Is On Facebook!

I've added a page for Skinny Dreaming over on Facebook. Please go and become a fan!

So far, it's just a bare bones version, but I intend to add recipes soon and links to informative posts from all over the Internet. I'll also do occasional giveaways from the Facebook page.

Let me know in the comments anything you'd like to see at Skinny Dreaming on Facebook.

Also this week, I'll be featuring the first of Skinny Dreaming's Super Slimmers! It's a woman who's lost over 160 pounds, and hopefully, I will be able to share many more inspirational stories like hers in the future with you.


  1. Wonderful! I'll head over and become a fan. I've got a fan page but haven't done as much with it as I have planned!

    Nice to meet you in blog world!

  2. Thanks, Diane! I've already become a fan of your Facebook page. :)


Sorry about the word verification. I turned it off and started getting tons of SPAM, so I had to turn it back on again.