Tuesday, 4 March 2014

28 Day Fitness Challenge - the prize winner! #28DayFit

So, taking all of the entries and assigning them numbers, I then went to random.org and out the numbers in to find out who the winner of the "28 Day Fitness Challenge" book and Jillian Michael's Master Your Metabolism was going to be.

The random winner is:

Jo Hart

Congratulations, Jo! I need you to e-mail me your mailing address (or private message me through Facebook) so I can send you your prizes!

The "28 Day Fitness Challenge" book will take a couple of months before it is published and then I will send you the copy. The "Master Your Metabolism" book will be sent to you this week.


For everyone who did the challenge, feel free to come back at any time and re-do the challenge or start on a different level.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! It was such a great motivator doing the challenge!


Sorry about the word verification. I turned it off and started getting tons of SPAM, so I had to turn it back on again.
