Tuesday 17 February 2009

Caspian Died

Robert just called from the vet's, and our cat Caspian had to be put to sleep. He had liver failure and was dying anyway.

I'm in tears.


  1. I am so sorry to hear that!! I've had to do that and i know how heartbreaking it is.

  2. Thanks. It's only been 11 months since our other cat Gambit died. :(

  3. I am so sorry. We had teo cats die in one week in 2007 while we waited for Lulu. One on Wed and one on Sat. The Wed was a case like this one and she was 23. The other was only like 10. We have been together 5 years and lost at least as many pets. :( We currently have 4. Only 1 is an original (I brought him into the relationship) I can remember the greif. My husband will not even TALK about any of our pets who are gone. Take care of yourself. IT's so very hard to lose a pet.

  4. I'm really sorry to hear about Caspian. I know how much our kitties touch our lives and I really feel your pain. Take care of yourself, you're in my thoughts.

  5. Rebecca, I'm so sorry for your loss. We still miss our Alex, who we lost in October, so much. I know too well how you must be feeling. My deepest sympathies and lots of hugs.

  6. Thanks. Caspian was really special to all of us.

  7. I'm so sorry. Loosing a pet is never easy. Take care of yourself.

  8. Thanks, Angie. He was a wonderful cat.

  9. I am so, so sorry for your loss. Pets become such a part of your family, it's hard to let them go. I am thinking of you.

  10. Thank you. I thought we'd have many more years with him, so it's hard to have to let go.


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