Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Busy Day

Well, it was starting to look as if I wasn't going to find the time today to get my workout in. This morning I had an ultrasound at 10:30am. (The baby is doing fine and growing well. I have another ultrasound in 3 weeks.) Robert met me at the hospital from work, so after the ultrasound, we caught the bus into town and went to lunch (at Subway - I had the turkey breast sub on wheat with no cheese). Then I caught the bus home with my two youngest kids, and put them down for their naps. Five minutes after getting home, Robert showed up with Angelica (15 year old) in tow. She had thrown up at school. So I sent her up to bed with a bowl.

Robert took the puppy for a walk before leaving to go back to work.

Isabella (3 years old) had gone straight to sleep, but Connor (2 years old) kept climbing out of bed and refusing to go to sleep, so by the time 2:00pm rolled around, I gave up. Within about 15 minutes, he had grabbed a blanket, pillow and teddy bear and curled up on the couch and fell asleep. Once I was sure he was asleep, I realized that I only had 15 minutes before I had to leave to go pick up Gabby (5 year old) from school.

Because Bella and Connor were still asleep, I let Angelica know that I was leaving to get Gabby and walked the 2 blocks to her school and back. By the time we got back, the puppy had pooped in the back room. So, I cleaned up the mess and realized I still had dishes to do from the night before. I washed the dishes and it was already time to start making dinner, so I got dinner going.

Isabella and Connor woke up and they were hungry already, so I made them some scrambled eggs and beans and fed them. I had just enough time to go on the computer and check my e-mail, and then it was time to get dinner served up for the rest of the family.

I ate dinner, and realized that if I waited 30 minutes before doing my workout, Connor would already be in bed (it's in the same room as the elliptical crosstrainer). I decided he should stay up a little bit later tonight since he had such a late nap though.

I actually managed, despite all of this, to fit in 50 minutes on the elliptical crosstrainer! Kayla (14 year old) had been home from school since 4:00pm, and she agreed to keep an eye on Connor while I worked out, but she was doing homework at the same time. Fortunately, Connor spent the whole time I was working out just outside the safety gate to the room I was in singing and dancing along to the music I was playing.

And for the first ngiht in many, he went to sleep within minutes of being put to bed.


Angelica is already feeling better, and Robert and Kayla took turns all evening taking the puppy for its walks.

So, despite being really busy and really tired and really achey in my hip from this pregnancy, and despite having to battle a stubborn toddler and deal with a sick daughter and puppy poop, today turned out to be a pretty good day.


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